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Early in the morning, in my sleep, I heard the doorbell ring. I did not move, vainly hoping that there would be no more ringing, but I had to get up and, sniffling, shuffling with my slippers, trudge into the hallway to open the door. It was Anyuta. She stood with her head tilted to the side and looked expressively at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

“Well, come in if you’ve come,” I muttered, trying not to show my excitement.

The day before, Anyuta and I were visiting, where this creature drank champagne and began flirting with the hostess’s brother. I warned her to stop, threatening to leave immediately, but Anyutka was only provoked by my jealousy - she laughed in a drunken voice and continued her dirty work. I carried out the threat... went home. The dear one, of course, kicked a couple of cobblestones with the toe of his boot, but when he came home he calmed down quite quickly. In general, this was not the first time for Anyuta to behave this way.

And here she is, early in ... continue reading

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