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Fuck I have to tell someone this cause I’m so fucking traumatised and so horny at the same time. I’ve been friends with Maddy for ages like she’s been coming over for years for sleepovers even still when we are both at uni. She used to always stay in my bed and we’d spoon each other, talking away until the early hours. But now recently when she’s been over she’s slept on the couch cause I’m apparently a cover hog.

I thought nothing of it until tonight when I woke up absolutely gagging for a glass of water. I crept downstairs so as not to wake everyone up and saw the kitchen light was on through the slightly open door. As I got closer I started hearing noises. A rhythmic pounding of flesh, with hushed moans and grunts. I crept up to the door and peered in.

Maddy was up on the kitchen island getting pounded by my stepdad. I tried hard not to gasp. She was staring up at him as his cock slid in and out of her looking as if she was having the time of her life. I was shocked at everythin... continue reading

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5 months ago incock teasebyAnonymous

Freeuse Camping Slut

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Last summer when I was wild, free and single, my friend group decided to go on a camping trip to one of the national parks near me. It started off with about 12 people, 8 guys and 4 girls, but soon people started dropping out until it was just me and 5 guys. I didn’t mind they were all friends and I’d slept with 2 of them in the past without it being awkward. It wasn’t until we’d set off on the trip until I realised that they had something planned.

They all knew I was a bit of a slut so they planned to exploit that and make me their toy for the trip. Truth be told I didn’t mind, I love fucking and I knew all of the guys here so being a slut for them really didn’t bother me. They offered to give me all the drink and weed that I could want if I became their slut for the trip. In return I had to give them each a morning bj, let them fuck me whenever they wanted and generally just spend the day naked.

That suited me down to a Tee. My jaw hurt each morning from sucking them off but that... continue reading

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It's always been a kink of mine to do the walk of shame, I love exposure stuff and it gets me turned on >< , the other day I went on a girls night out wearing a crop top and a miniskirt, my dad tried talking me out of the outfit but it didn't work :3

I'm gonna skip over the night until the end, it was fun throughout it however :D, so my fwb came to pick me up he's older than me (25) and picked me up in his car. We went to his place and he parked then we started kissing in the car, his hands were running up my thighs and lifting up my miniskirt, he whispered in my ears *"want to ride daddy's cock while you're wearing that skirt?"* , I immediately said yes and got on top of him while he leaned the seat back.

It was a little uncomfortable tbh because it as a tight space lol but I also loved it, it was in public parking lot (even tho his windows are a little shaded) , also I saw my phone ringing on the other seat and it was my dad >.< I continued jumping on his cock until... continue reading

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7 months ago incock teasebyAnonymous

Wife (F50) Christmas Party

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Wife attended her office Christmas party last night. Dress code was Christmas jumpers so she wore a knitted elf dress. Clearly she had a wild evening and came home drunk but very happy. I could tell by the stretched neckline on her knitted dress that something had happened. Someone had had their hands in her dress to feel her breasts and pull them out of her bra to flash them.

It’s not her normal style but getting dressed up for the Christmas party is her annual pass. We always agree fucking is not allowed but anything else is an option. The question is not if but who got their hands on her, what else did they do and what did she do in return.

She says “no photos mean it never happened” but I hope he got a good shot of her tits hanging out of that dress!

At our age you’ve got to take these moments to let your hair down and party.

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So after a very busy Sunday, we were in bed. Hubby was asleep but I was restless so I decided to browse Reddit a bit (as I often do) and I ended up sexting someone (as I often do).

I was on my side facing away from him so the light from my phone didn't disturb him, and I was really getting into it - my pussy was soaked and I was rubbing my clit.

All of a sudden I felt my cheeks being grabbed and spread and hubbys rock hard cock slid all the way inside me. I gasped and went to put the phone down but he says "no no, carry on"...so I spent the rest of that sexting session being fucked by my man as he read over my shoulder. It was so hot to have him seeing me being a slut with a random guy and he was clearly enjoying it too.

When I was getting close, I sent him a pic of my tight pussy with my husband's cock in it....that was too much for him which made him cum, which made my hubby cum inside me, which made me cum. So all in all...a great time!

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My wife didn't believe me that my son's 20yr old lab partner is flirting with me. She thought it's funny for me to think that but I know it's true. Even my son has told her but she still doesn't believe.

I asked her one day if she'd hide and let her flirt with me. She agreed and hide in the kitchen pantry before Amber, the 20yr old lab partner of my son, came over.

They were studying in the kitchen when I came in to get some lunch. It didn't take her long to start flirting.

"Hey Mr Kerr, did you just come from the gym? You're looking buff."

I just laughed and told her no.

"I like your bread trimmed close like that. I wish I could find a man as sexy as you."

I just ignored her, finished making a sandwich and left. Amber was behind me, saying she had to go to the restroom. When she walked away, my wife came out of the pantry and followed us. I sat in my chair and Amber walked behind me. She ran her arm across the back of my shoulders as she walked by. She then leaned into my ear... continue reading

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9 months ago incock teasebyAnonymous

Exabitionist Neighbor

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I live in a small town that has been revitalized, lots of new bars and high end restaurants. Naturally LOTS of young men and women moving into the town. I am a mid 40s man married for a long time, I have a nice house in town with a big deck outside kitchen with a bar ect. I usually sit outside and smoke in the evening. I have noticed a new tenant moved in behind us she is late 20s early 30s very cute. the house literally buts up to my back yard.

The past couple of weeks I’ve noticed the lights on and the blinds open. Nothing too exciting until last week, I noticed her walking by the window in a towel, I thought ohhh…she went to another room drops the towel and proceeds to rub lotion on herself….she proceeded for about 15 minutes…not moving from the window. This has become a ritual, and it is so hot to think she is doing this for me.

I am excited to see if she will take the rubdown further. I will keep you posted.

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10 months ago incock teasebyAnonymous

I saw her boobs!

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Okay so this is a reasonably tame story I (M) still thought I’d share.

I was at the beach with my wife and her best friend. I’ve had a crush on her friend since forever (my wife knows and teases me about it) and she’s recently become single so I feel like the chance of something happening is slightly increased.

Anyway my wife’s best friend is petite, great ass, small but perfect tits - but I’d never seen them.

We’ve just arrived at the beach and setting up and she pulls her bikini out her bag and is starting to get changed. She suddenly announces she’s going to get her boobs out so if you don’t want to see boobs look away. Then she cheekily looks at me and says or if you do want to see boobs keep looking.

Then suddenly the bra comes off and their are these perfect pair of boobs. I’ve dreamt about watch my wife lick my cum off these boobs so many times but I’d never seen them before.

She smiles at me as she notices I can’t keep my eyes off her.

Then bikini top goes on and ne... continue reading

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I (33F) have a loving and sexually exciting relationship with my husband (37M). Sometimes I send him nude selfies; he loves it and it spices things up. This is especially fun when he is away on a business trip. A few months ago he was away for a weekend on a trip with his old time buddy that I always had a minor crush on (nothing serious). I sent my husband a topless selfie not realizing that he was driving and his buddy was holding my husband’s phone for some reason. His buddy gave an instant surprise reaction but didn’t say much. Later that evening they were having a few beers together when his buddy mentioned that it was a decent selfie. I think the conversation went on and my husband told him that I routinely send him sexy selfies to surprise him. Probably a few drinks more and his buddy implied that he would not mind seeing more of pics. This is when I received a text message from my drunk husband asking me if he could give a glimpse of my pics to his buddy. It was awkward and I d... continue reading

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I went out for dinner with a girlfriend and a few others, for her boyfriend’s birthday. During dinner we got onto the conversations of sexual boundaries within a relationship, my friend Alice [F21] has always been a little wild/the party girl type. She suggested that it would be sexy to see another girl get her boyfriend off, as long as she was around to enjoy it too.

Long story short, I end up giving her boyfriend a handjob in the backseat of her car as she drove us home. I could see her playing with herself in the front seat as I jerked her boyfriend off. He blew his load all over his pants and my hands, Alice grabbed my right hand while we were stopped at the traffic lights and licked it clean..

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After my last breakup, which was about 7 months ago, i had a girls night out and i let my slutty side take over for the night <3 - I met a guy at the club, he was nice and bought us girls drinks.

&amp;#x200B; He seemed to be after me since he came up to me to talk. I made it clear that i'm not looking for anything serious and he wasn't either, I usually don't hookup with strangers i just met, but I liked his vibe plus it sounded so hot to me. I said goodbye to my girlies and he took me to his place, we didn't even warmed up or anything, we started kissing and unclothing as soon as we walked through the door. We reached the bedroom and i was already wet, begging for him to take me. He said he doesn't have a condom and i whispered to his ears in a seductive voice .... *''i want your cum in me daddy''*

&amp;#x200B; He tossed me on the bed and railed me so good, he was really rough with the face slapping and also dirty talking, i was close. Then his phone rang but we were in the h... continue reading

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Last night, I was out at a campfire with some friends, and we didn’t have enough lawn chairs for all of us. I offered to share with one of my shy guy friends (who I think maybe has a crush on me but is super shy and not outeard about it). Well, us sharing sort of turned into me sitting on his lap. I could tell he was getting nervous hehe it was so exciting. As I shuffled around and ‘got comfortable’ throughout the evening, I could feel him getting hard under me hehe. When I noticed, I made sure to move around a little more. Every so often I would turn around and ask, “are you comfortable? 🥺” and “I can move if you want” in cutesy voices and every time he would nervously sqeak out “oh im okay” or something like that. I hope I made his night hehe, its all ive beennthinking about lately 😝

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It was a 6 hour drive in a crowded van. I was the smallest so I had to sit on someone’s lap the whole time. My guy friend was holding me on his lap on the second row. We were going through windy roads so to keep me from moving around too much he had wrapped his arms around my waist.

With the way he was holding me I could feel his cock rub against me between my legs. It was late at night so everyone was quiet or sleeping except the driver and passenger at the front. I had one hand resting on the handle above the window and the other on the one in front of me to try and stay myself.

The car just kept jostling around and I could feel him getting hard under me. It was turning me on so much that I slowly spread my legs to rub against me more. I Was wearing leggings so i could really feel it. I knew he could tell what I was doing because he suddenly switched to holding either side of my hips. He still pinned me against him but every time the car swayed we rubbed against each other harder... continue reading

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a year ago incock teasebyAnonymous

Pounding my ex wife

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We had gone through a nasty divorce. It took us ages to even talk to each other. So when I arranged to read my son a bedtime story a couple of nights a week it didn't go down well.

After a couple of weeks she got used to it though and even started making me a coffee after I had put him to bed. Eventually she started talking to me about her dating experiences and how she loved having anal with her new sexual partners(she never liked it when we were married!!)

She also stopped wearing bras whenever I came over. She had E cup tittys and seeing them hanging loose on the table while I sipped my coffee got me horny as fuck!! Unlike her I hadn't been screwing anyone. "Why are you telling me all this!!" I demanded of her"You know I'm not seeing anyone!!" I stood up to go and she stepped in front of me"Youve been really good lately and... and....I really miss your cock!!" She reached forward and grabbed my crotch. "Whats wrong ur boyfreinds not up to scratch??!!" I said angrily... but I had al... continue reading

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I work as a waitress part time at a local restaurant and ever since i started working there, i always had a thing for my boss, especially when i found out he's divorcing 😅 - i always tease him and i know he loves it. He always compliments me when i show up braless and wearing cute, it gets him more customers <3

&amp;#x200B; Anyways, my first days at the job weren't easy because i was new to all of it but there's a guy who really helped me (i'll call him T), T and i became really good friends and we have lunch breaks together ..etc. One day, a couple of months ago, we were chatting and he told me that he's struggling financially and he asked our boss for a raise but he rejected it.

&amp;#x200B; Just days after our conversation, i was working a shift and it was late night, i was closing since the others already left. As i was cleaning up, i heard loud voices from my boss's office so i went there and he was on the phone ( with his soon to be ex wife) - i know i shouldn't have do... continue reading

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For the last spring break i went back home from the college dorm and there was a new family who moved in next door. They were very conservative and I've come to learn that they are very strict with their son (18M) who I'll call M.

M's birthday was just a couple of days after i arrived, we were invited and it was fun. After about two days from his birthday, I was out sunbathing in a bikini and i caught him checking me out from his window, I waved at him smiling and he backed off quickly because i think he didn't know i caught him lol. Just a few minutes after he came out taking the trash and i called him ..... he thought i was mad so he was saying sorry for what he did, i giggled because it was cute lol. He then said that he's never seen a girl in a bikini irl and i replied .... *''yeah i can tell ...... you don't even know where to look do you sweetie''* in a very teasing voice and he became all red <3.

Then his dad walked out and called him and he didn... continue reading

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Last night, I was out at a campfire with some friends, and we didn’t have enough lawn chairs for all of us. I offered to share it with one of my guy friends. Well, it turned into me sitting on his lap. I could tell he was getting nervous. As I shuffled around and ‘got comfortable’ throughout the evening, I could feel him getting hard under me. When I noticed, I made sure to move around a little more. Every so often I would turn around and ask, “are you okay?” and “I can move if you want” in a cute voice. I hope I made his night tho.

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Before I get going let me just say that the meat of this story happened about three years ago and I am no longer 33 (though I wish I was). Everyone is 18+ in this story, so don’t worry about that. This really did happen, though some of the dialogue is approximated, as I’m trying to remember what was said despite being a little wine-drunk that night. Names are changed out of respect for privacy and locations are omitted because, well, I’d like to keep my job! I was originally going to post this in sluttyconfessions, but then I started remembering little details and couldn’t stop writing, and so it basically turned into a short story, so I suppose it fits better here!


I started as a high school English teacher right of college, fresh faced and idealistic. It was a bit of a wild ride getting thrown around by the higher ups as they tried to fit me into what was a dwindling English department. After being told I was going to be teaching a senior class my first year, I panicke... continue reading

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Omg. Last night, I was out at a campfire with some friends, and we didn’t have enough lawn chairs for all of us. Being a rather petite girl, I offered to share with one of my shy guy friends (who I think maybe has a crush on me but is super shy and not outeard about it). Well, us sharing sort of turned into me sitting on his lap. I could tell he was getting nervous hehe it was so exciting. As I shuffled around and ‘got comfortable’ throughout the evening, I could feel him getting hard under me hehe. When I noticed, I made sure to move around a little more. Every so often I would turn around and ask, “are you comfortable? 🥺” and “I can move if you want uwu” in cutesy voices and every time he would nervously sqeak out “oh im okay” or something like that. I hope I made his night hehe, its all ive beennthinking about lately 😝

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First a bit about me: I’m 5ft 2 with long curly brown hair and a fairly curvy figure, I’m proud to say my ass is my best feature. At the time I was in my second year of uni in the UK.

I spent a good couple of months at uni in my second year thinking I might be a lesbian (cliché I know lol). I had been with my share of guys in my first year and I found the experience okay, even good at time but just a bit uncomfortable and sometimes painful. I guess I got unlucky as the few guys were all “blessed” with fairly big dicks. I know we are all meant to believe bigger makes better but for me its just not fun, I don’t like feeling dread when a guy takes his clothes off.

After this couple of months of only being with girls I started to miss being with guys, obviously looking back I’m bi but I was a bit rigid in my thinking I guess. So I messaged a guy I’d been approached by a few times in my English seminars. He wasn’t flirty as such just clearly attentive and seemed to have some inte... continue reading

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