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4 months ago inoralbyAnonymous

My girlfriend sucks dick for weed

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(Disclaimer - With permission and encouragement of my girlfriend, this is me re-telling the stories she has told me. It's a mix of how it started, random memories, and her most recent encounter. Everyone involved is over 18.)

Before we got together my girlfriend had smoked weed for years. She enjoyed a joint most weekends and used the same guy to buy from, a friend of a friend.

When she needed to save money she stopped smoking for a few months but found herself getting stressed without it. She reached out to her supply guy, explaining money was tight, and asked if he could do some kind of deal. He suggested sex for weed. To his surprise, she didn't need any persuading but she negotiated him down to blowjobs instead. Now, this isn't out of nowhere. When they first started hanging out they got stoned together, and she had given him a hand job a few times.

So, for about a year, until she became my girlfriend, she was sucking him off most weeks for a couple of joints worth of weed. This... continue reading

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I went to bed before my wife. She was drinking wine and I was tired. A couple hours later I’m passed out and I feel my hard dick get pulled out of my underwear. Before I’m completely awake she’s taking me into her throat. Then she kisses me on the lips and asks if I want to fuck. Of course I say yes. Then she gags on me for two more minutes. Suddenly she stops and rolls over and goes to sleep. I try to keep it going but she says she’s tired and I’m left with a raging cock. This is the second time this week she’s left me with blue balls…

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6 months ago inoralbyAnonymous

Hot tubbing with my sister-in-law

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A few years ago, my wife and I splurged on a nice hot tub. We had a great spot for it in the yard - a tall hedge gave us a lot of privacy, and we made use of the tub three or four times a week, every week. Sitting in the starlight, sipping a nice bourbon, and soaking in the tub - i didn't think it could get any better. I was wrong.

Last weekend, Vanessa, my SIL, was in town for a ball tournament and while the rest of the team was out celebrating a successful pair of wins on the first day, she had supper with us. I took care of the dishes so the two could catch up before my wife went to work her night shift.

So my SIL is basically one of the guys. She drinks beer, plays sports, smokes weed, and is allergic to commitment. She's not aggressive, but she's never been shy to do what she wants. The fact that she has a fantastic body probably helps her get away with as much as she does. We've flirted with each other -- harmlessly -- for the past eight years.

Shortly after my wife's car left... continue reading

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I almost fucked up big time back in my years in high school, but managed to save my ass with the power of my mouth.

Life had been hard and yada yada, so I resorted to smoking and alcohol, even before my morning classes started. I didn't really care that much back then. However, it all went to shit when the new semester started and my professors started to notice the lack of engagement from me. They started dropping warnings, but I didn't care. Until I got called to the principal's office.

I knew I was fucked. And sure enough, he told me that I was being expelled for academic dishonesty (that's what he said, idk if that stands, don't give a shit). I begged him to give me a chance, and he asked me to do one more assignment then. But it had to be an extra-credit one, and it had to be done right away. So, here's where the sucking part comes in. The principal told me to come back to his office during lunch, and once I was there, he said he needed to see how "serious" I was about m... continue reading

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8 months ago inoralbyAnonymous

My ex girlfriend daughter

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My ex girlfriend and i were together almost a year and she has a daughter who was 19 at the time.

I started staying with my ex after 4 months into our relationship and her daughter really didn't like me at first.

So onw night my ex was working late and I went to her house to wait for her and her son let me in but he was lesving so i waired in the living room just watching TV. It was already 7 and my ex wasn't off till 9 and I was considering heading home instead but all of a sudden her daughter gets there and I tell her I was just leaving your mom working late. She says no stay please cause then my mom will say I scare you off .

So I stayed she went up to her room and idk maybe 20 minutes later I hear her in the kitchen and then here she comes just sits at the edge of the couch eating cereal crunching like all loud and she says do I annoy you and she laughs. I tell her no and she says good give me the remote. She puts it on a movie called Edmond and we start Watching it and it com... continue reading

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We hosted my work friend, Sammie, and her three kids for Thanksgiving last night. She's had a very tough year. Almost lost her house, her husband is in jail, her oldest daughter almost dropped out of school, just one thing after another.

Monday, she and I were talking at work, about our plans for Thanksgiving, when she admitted that she couldn't afford to do anything special and her family would just have an everyday meal. Well, I really like her, she's a good person who is just having a hard time, so I told her that she would be bringing her family to our place and joining us for dinner.

She tried to beg off of it but I wasn't taking no for an answer.

She finally agreed, after insisting that I at least let her help cook.

When the arried yesterday, I gave her a glass of wine and a bar stool but my kitchen isn't really big enough for three. My husband does all the clean up as I cook. Our kids know each other from school so they just did kid stuff while we grown up got everything toge... continue reading

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9 months ago inoralbyAnonymous

F18 sucked dick after a Protest

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Me and my friends visited a ‘free palestine demo’. I am not very political, but my friends wanted me to go, because the told me as a Muslim its my duty to protest. There where a lot of people especially young men with their head covered in a keffiyeh. I got approached by a lot of men. I would not have thought that because everybody wanted to have the image of a good muslim there. I think the reason is that there were so few women, so every guy who is not to shy to approach women felt encouraged. I was also a bit afraid at first, because I was surrounded by so many people. I gave my number to a couple of guys. I have already received some dick pics. One of them was actually a kind person. So i decided to meet him an give him a chance.We had a nice dinner, and i got the impression that he is a very open minded, intelligent person, so I wanted to reward him was a nice blowjob. We went to his car. Before he could drive me home, i immediately dismounted and started sucking with more enthus... continue reading

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This particular confession happened last night. Our neighbor behind our house must be some kind of Tinder machine because there are girls constantly coming and going from his house.

From our living room, we can see his kitchen/living room, and typically, by the time things heat up, they either take it to the bedroom or close the curtains.

My wife loves to make comments about the age of the women he has over because they’re usually much younger than him. Being in his mid-thirties, they would typically be in their early twenties.

This brings last night’s events into play. I heard her gasp from the living room and call my name with desperate need.

She insisted I turn off the lights and come join her. She pulled me down onto the couch so I’m less visible. What I saw was a tiny brunette on her knees servicing our neighbor’s cock with great attention.

After a couple of minutes of us watching in silence, my wife instructed me to take off my track pants and began stroking my cock while ... continue reading

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Me and my husband were fighting yesterday we were on the verge of breaking up. He was so angry his eyes were so aggressive the look in his eyes made me think he wanted to hit me and when he held me down by my wrist I thought he might. I got in his face trying to intimidate him into letting me go but he just held both my wrists with one hand and grabbed my face and told me he loved me before kissing me. He let go of my arms and I wrapped them around him his fingers are running through my hair and pulling it . He then tosses me from the couch to the floor He pulls down my pants and eats me out it is intense he knows the parts that are extra sensitive and he is focusing on them I am screaming at this point because he doesn’t stop after the first few times I cum and the pleasure is somehow good and unbearable at the same time I was pulling his hair trying to get him off but he wouldn’t stop my body was shaking and twitching and I had no idea how he managed to stay on he finally grabbed my ... continue reading

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My husband’s longtime friend Kevin was over at our house drinking one night and started talking about — bragging, almost — that no woman had ever been able to suck him to completion.

He had a reputation as a very well-hung guy, and I was honestly just curious to finally get a look at his dick. So, I told my husband to challenge him. Bet him $50 that I could be the first to suck him off.

He made the challenge and Kevin accepted. So, I went with him into our den, put a pillow in front of the fireplace, stripped naked and knelt down on it.

He walked up in front of me and pulled out his dick, which was every bit as enormous as advertised. But he looked shocked when I told him to turn around.

Once his ass was in my face, I dropped his pants down around his ankles, spread his cheeks and ran my tongue as far up his ass as I could. Then I started licking his asshole while reaching through his legs to rub his balls.

When I finally had him turn around, he was rock hard and I licked precum o... continue reading

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I worked with a guy who was a total prick. Just one of those guys that’s a complete ass hole. Well somehow he was married to the most beautiful women. She was absolutely perfect . Gorgeous, smart, funny, and the perfect body. Little waist, C tits and and unreal ass, beautiful face.

We had met at a few company after hours events and hit it off as friends. Just would talk and hang out. We got along great.

One Saturday morning I got a text from her that just said “Brett is going golfing today, wanna hang out”. At the time I didn’t think anything of it. I drove over to her place and when I got there it was obvious why I was there. We immediately started making out and fooling around. Some of the hottest sex I’ve ever had. The best part is we knew we had 4-5 hours to really fool around!!

Eventually it became a common occurrence. Every time he would golf, which was 2-3 times a week I’d get the invite. Once, as I was balls deep inside his wife, he texted me. So as I was activly fuckin... continue reading

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As a firefighter we work 48 straight hours on shift. So you live with your fellow crew members the entire shift. Typically you work with the same 3 people every shift, but every now and then you have someone else come in to cover a shift.

Well we had a female firefighter join our crew to cover a shift. She was small and so fit. We worked out together the first day and I couldn’t help but notice her tight little body. And such an unbelievable ass. She caught me looking a few times…

The first 24 hours were pretty normal, but the second day we found ourselves flirting a little. And that night we crossed paths late. Everyone else had gone to bed. She had the entire female bunk room to herself.

So started to make out and before I knew it she was down giving me the best blowjob I’ve ever had. I threw her around a little before fucking her. It was so hot. I kept trying to make her scream on purpose and I could feel her forcing herself to keep quiet. I came so hard all over her perfec... continue reading

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My husband and I have had an open marriage for several years, and that means we have hookup nights when we go out separately looking for sex.

On one of those nights, I went to the bar at our local airport — and while I know it sounds weird, it’s a great place to meet local guys just looking for sex.

It was a slow night. The only guy who hit on me was super nice and mildly attractive, but honestly just not my type. But after midnight, when the drinks had been flowing, I agreed to go home with him.

We were fucking in his bed — and it was fine. I had came twice and I could tell he was getting close when he said “Let me cum in your mouth.”

I said OK and got on my knees next to the bed, took off his condom and took his dick into my mouth. It tasted like a combo of my juices and condom lube, but once I got into it, I did some of my best work.

Usually I can tell when a guy is about to cum…fast breathing, moaning, grabbing my head or sometimes they’ll even say “Here it comes.” But with th... continue reading

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a year ago inoralbyAnonymous

My boyfriend used my big tits

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About a week ago, my boyfriend and I were having sex. It’s still a pretty new relationship so we are still exploring new ways to make each other feel as good as possible. We had previously tried tit-fucking but it didn’t feel that good, but we decided to give it another go.

I was lying on the bed, and he sat about mid-way down my chest. He poured some lube on my cleavage, then I placed his rock-solid cock between my tits. I used my hands to make sure I wrapped them as tight as possible around him. We were both so incredibly turned on. I love seeing his focused face when I’m pleasuring him. He goes from being the sweetest, goofiest guy to this intense, serious man.

We talked about how I was servicing him and how I wanted him to feel nothing but pure bliss. As he thrusted into my DDs, we talked about how slutty we both are.

After a few minutes, he came all over me. His huge load splattered my face, hair, neck and especially my tits.

Definitely doing this again ASAP🤤🤤🤤

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A few nights ago me and my were in the pool with some friends and there was a lot of drinking involved. After about an hour my wife’s top comes off showing her glorious boobs to all of our friends. A little while later she’s talking to one of the guys and looks over at me for approval which I give her the nod and she ducks under the water and sucks his dick for a few seconds!! It was amazing this is the first time we’ve played with someone else. It was getting late and we all go home and my wife gets a snap from the guy asking if me and her are going to going to fuck and if so he would like to see some vids because hes home in the shower and wanted to jerk off so we sent some pictures and vids of us fucking and her pussy. He sends back a vid of him jacking off in the shower. It was so hot!!!

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About a month ago my husband(45m) and I(45f) were shopping at our local sex shop. There's a small room like theater behind a curtain where they play porn on a large TV. When we were there before I had noticed a hole in the wall and my husband told me it was a glory hole and the other side was the bathroom. At the time I thought the men's room but come to find out it's a single toilet unisex bathroom.

Anyway, this past Friday night we were at our favorite bar for drinks. He was driving that night and I got quite tipsy. At the bar I was getting really horny and I told him I had been thinking about that glory hole on and off the past few weeks. The bar was just a few blocks from that adult shop and he suggested we go and check it out and if I wanted to try it out I could suck him through it. I was so excited and drunkenly agreed. We paid and jumped in the car. On the way there I told him I wanted to be on the bathroom side so I could have the door locked. He asked me what he should do i... continue reading

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a year ago inoralbyAnonymous

Dont know who got the blowjob

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So I’m a 24F I just started bar tending on the side for extra cash so I get out pretty late. My boyfriend had texted me to come over when I get out of work. So I get out of work and I’m heading over to my bfs house and at this point it’s almost 3 am I let myself into the house with my spare key and it’s completely dark in the living room but I see a figure laying on the couch, my boyfriend lives alone so I walked over to him to gently pull the blanket to the side and started rubbing his crotch over his boxers, I could feel his cock getting swollen but he didn’t make a noise. So being the good girlfriend I am I pulled his dick out through the slut in his boxers and started sucking his dick, still not a peep from the man. I figured he was enjoying it cause he was petting my head and grabbing my tits while I was bobbing my head up and down on his cock. Finally after about 20 minutes of sucking I taste his load shooting into my mouth, I swallowed as I normally do and giggle. I put the blan... continue reading

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The other night I went clubbing for the first time with my friends. I blew three different guys.

I was really excited to get dressed up and have a sort of no strings attached night out of fun with my girls. It was a techno event with a local artist playing and almost everyone I knew was going. There was a whole group of us getting a bus to and from the club.

The night started out at my friends place, we got ready at hers and had a few drinks before we left. We spent most of the time talking about how we were going to get boys lol. It got to the point where we nicknamed the night “operation get a dick”.

We left at around 7pm and got the bus to the club. When we got there we were already the tiniest bit tipsy, I swear the bouncer eyed me up and I said to my friends I’d fuck him as we walked past. They were like omg shut up and tried to get me to be quiet lmao.

Anyway, once we were inside we found a seat and got drinks. The night was going pretty normal and we were enjoying our... continue reading

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“Holy fuck, is that your *cock*?”

“What?!” The hard “c” took me by surprise. I looked at Jen–whose soft green eyes were wide–and then at my pant leg. I could see I was bulging somewhat.

“Dude, it’s like halfway down your thigh. Leah, c’mere and look at Quinn’s fucking hard on.”

“Can you *not*?”

Leah popped her head into the living room where Jen and I were playing cards. “Quinn! I can see it from here. Was Jen trying to turn you on?” She shook her head at me teasingly, a few stray strands of her red hair–pulled up into a loose, messy bun atop her head–swayed back and forth.

“No!” I was beet red now. “Look, it just happens sometimes, y’know? Spontaneous erections or whatever.”

“Uh-huh,” Leah crossed her arms across her chest and scoffed at me. “I bet it was because Jen’s wearing that fucking slutty v-neck. Your tits barely fit in that thing!”

“Oh, shut up, Leah. It’s not that bad.” Jen sat up straight, adjusting her white shirt–which I could already see her nipple rings through–s... continue reading

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I never knew this was a thing, and even when I did it I didn't know there was a name. I like to lie on a guys lap/stomach when we're watching TV, so with this particular guy, I was absentmindedly playing with his cock through his pants, tease him a bit, but not let him take it out. He started getting really squirmy, so I was feeling nice and let him take his cock out. But just to torture him a bit, I let his hard cock just sit in my mouth as I kept watching TV for awhile. If he tried to thrust, I'd tell him to stop, or I'm not touching his cock anymore. I wouldn't move my head, or touch it with my hand. Every few minutes all I'd do is gently run my tongue along this cock head, just enough to make him twitch like crazy. When I finally started to stroke his shaft while my mouth was still on his cock head, he exploded right away... I swear it was probably 3 or 4 strokes. It was an amazing feeling.

I absolutely love doing this to guys, because I find it so much fun to have this li... continue reading

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