2 years ago inno category

Sure, I'll check in on your son while you're at work this summer



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The beginning of this summer, my neighbors asked me to check in on their son while they're at work, just to make sure he's alright and not getting into any trouble. It's not too much of a hassle, as they're right next door and I don't even have to check on him everyday that they're gone, just surprise check-ins and whatnot.

It was an innocent request, and I doing it for them.

That said, there is one problem.

I'm a married woman with an essentially dead bedroom. Sex with my husband isn't anything to write home about. It's infrequent, only happening about once a month, and it's not even that good. I never cum and he doesn't last long, finishing and leaving me to tend to my needs with a vibrator when he falls asleep.

Adding onto that, their son just happens to be a fit and attractive young man who likes to flirt and talk when he sees me.

So it's not much of a surprise that what should be a check-in that lasts around a few minutes turning into me staying over and chatting and flirting like a schoolgirl with him. With no husband or parents around to keep me acting normal, I can let loose and have some fun.

I'm just worried that I'll go further than just chatting with him, because I've been thinking about it a lot.

Only have the rest of the summer!

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