I let a stranger come to my house, fuck me, cum in me, and then leave.

Okay so I have had this idea stuck in my head for as long as I can remember. Basically it is the ultimate casual encounter. Fucking a guy who I don't know, never see, and have never met. I was messing around on fet just writing about the idea and talking to different people who shared a similar interest and I came across someone who lived less than a mile away from me. He asked if this was just a dream for me or if it's something that I wanted to make a reality. I told him I wanted to make it real.
He explained exactly how it was gonna go down and I got so turned on that I begged him to come right away. I only ever saw this guys body, never his face, and I could tell he was in great shape. I got my room all setup, unlocked my door, and told him to let me know when he was five minutes away.
When I got the msgg, I got into bed, took off my panties, covered my head with a blanket, and started warming up my pussy. It was hardly necessary since I was already soaked from the anticipation. I swear, when I heard the door open I literally almost had an orgasm lmao. Hearing him walk over to my bed, drop his pants, and take his position behind me was so fucking wild.
His cock was big. He started spliting me open from behind. I literally came within minutes of him entering me. He fucked me hard and called me a dirty whore for allowing an anon stranger to fuck me. He kept telling me that I was the horniest slut he ever met and I loved every second of it. I moaned into my blanket, and begged him to cum in my pussy.
He didn't need me to tell him twice and he promptly filled me with his cum. It was so fucking hot. Then he did something I didn't expect. He told me to close my eyes, he lifted up the blanket, and told me to clean off his cock. He said "I need you to clean it off so my wife doesn't notice anything". He was married!!! I had no idea. I swear hearing that almost made me cum again idk why. I sucked him clean with my eyes shut tight before he pushed my head back down under the blanket and left.
I spent the rest of the night playing with myself while reliving the moment. I kept wondering if he went home and fucked his wife right after fucking me. I kept wondering if she ever found out. I kept feeling the cum that he left inside me. It was a wild experience. I'm so glad I did it. No regrets <3