a year ago inincest

Saw my bro…



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My big brother\[23M\] was showing me\[F19\] some pictures of his new car the other day and all of a sudden he accidentally swiped past a video of his dick. At first, I was in shock, but my reaction was “Oh damn!” He was all apologies and I just said: “it’s ok I won’t tell anyone”. “Still I’m sorry. You don’t want to see that,” he said. I was trying to say reassuring things to make it less awkward but I think I made it worse when I said “No need to be sorry. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of”. like why couldn’t I just shut up😂. Like, is it wrong though? that I saw a cock and thought it was nice? Sure it’s my brothers but my female brain just sees a good-looking cock and wants to throat it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ ughhh

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