I've seen a few videos with girls jerking guys until they cum on their food and then eat it and for some reason I found them so hot! So one day, while at the mall with my unsuspecting FWB, we went to Burger King. We sat down to eat and talk boring stuff about our day, work, his college classes and so on. Fries in hand, I remembered. I started getting horny, pressing my thighs together, the jeans seam was pressing against my clit and I could feel myself getting wet. I had to. As we were sitting across from each other I got up to move next to him, where we would be facing the restaurant, our backs to a wall, for a little "privacy". He looked at me puzzled for a bit since I kinda did it mid conversation but brushed it off. I sat down and reached my hand to lightly rub his crotch. He looked at me wide eyed and put his hand over mine, asked me wtf was I doing. I didn't say anything, looked him in the eyes and smiled but without moving or stopping my hand. I was determined and in no time he was rock hard:
"-Take it out." I calmly but firmly told him.
At this point he was way too turned on to argue and the fact that I was kind of bossing him around didn't leave him much of a choice. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled on the zipper, taking his veiny, rock hard dick out.
"-I am literally gonna cum right here if you don't stop. Let's at least go to the bathroom!"
"-Good, no need, I want some seasoning on my fries anyway" and I placed the fries under the table to get them nice and coated. It drove him over the edge and started shooting rope after rope with an audible \*plop\*. The first rope was so forceful it hit the underside of the table, but the ones that followed shot right in the little carton of fries. The next best thing was the expression on his face ofc, a mix of pure bliss, confusion and fear to be loud and get caught.
It was done, he put his dick back in and I started eating fry after fry like I was hungry for his cum. They were absolutely coated and I felt so horny and dirty eating that!
So yeah, hope you enjoyed this as much as I did eating cum glazed french fries :d