2 years ago innonfiction

My bfs mum caught me and my bf having sex



I live with my bf cause my parents kicked me out and we have been having sex for a while but earlier today I made a bit to much noise as he was fucking me I moaned and he told me to be quiet cause his parents sleep in the room above them so I tried to be quiet but when he lit it all in it just felt differnt idk what it was but it’s like he doubled in size so I couldn’t help but scream a bit from the pleasure we didn’t hear them wake up so he continued to fuxk me after a bit I asked him to slow down cause I was about to cum but he didn’t. He sped up and I guess in the heat of the moment he said “holy fuxk ur so right babe” we always talk during sex but this was the first time we fully did it (other times we go gentle and cuddle except on Halloween where as this time we where doing I think it’s called doggy not sure)

So he probably said it a bit to loud and we heard his mum cough at our door and say “ya done? Look I’m fine with u 2 having sex just be quiet ok” I was and still am so fucking embarrased my bfs mum caught me with my panties at my knees and her sons dick in my pussy

How tf do I make it less awkward between me and his mum

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