I'm a slut, and I'm well known among my friends for being an excellent one. One of my friends has been seeing her partner for about a year, and while she claims that the sex is excellent, she is seeking advice since she feels she doesn't do a good job blowing him off. Though it would be simpler to demonstrate to her, I was telling her what to do with his dick at the time. She offered his dick before I could say anything, which caught me off guard, but she said she's good with it and thought it'd be hot. I was about to reply that I'll get one of my dildos. As long as it was only the head.
The following evening, she notified him, and he came over. I then showed her some of the things I do, and she proceeded to try them on him. She then revealed to me that he had never cum from head, at least that is what he claims, after taking his dick out of her mouth. I took his claim that it was accurate as a challenge and used my magic to solve the problem. A few minutes later, in front of her, I made him cum in my mouth.